Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Not so much a rollercoaster...

Note: Too make it much easier to write this. We'll call my ex, "Will" and his new boyfriend "Lester"

On friday, before I left for New York. My office mate Kate and I had a conversation:

Kate: Why are you getting your hair cut? Your hair looks fine.
Me: I know, but I'm meeting up with "Will"...
Kate: hmmm. true. Are you meeting his new boyfriend? Cause if you are, you better wear something cute for when you size each other up. It is a battle after all.
Me: Yep. Got it covered.

Later that night:

Me (via text message to Kate): So. I've met the bf.
Kate: And...
Me: I won.
Kate: Victory!!

In all seriousness though. "Lester" seemed like a nice kid. But that's just it, a kid. Even though he's 25 (older than me), he struck me as someone who really hasn't made that transition to the real world yet. I mean it's great if your an aspiring singer/dancer/artist/whatever, but at least finish school first so you have something else to fall back on if that singer/dancer/artist/whatever thing doesn't pan out. Oh, and let's recall my post from thursday. About how "Lester" doesn't want me staying there etc...well he needn't worry. Why? Becuase he was with us the ENTIRE TIME. From the moment I stepped off the train at Penn Station to the next morning when I got on the subway, there he was (ok I slept on an aero mattress, he wasn't there for that). Look. I understand your jealousy, but regardless of the fact that "Will" and I used to date, he's still a friend who I haven't seen in about 6 months. It'd be nice if we could catch up just a bit.

"Will" and I did finally meet up for coffee on saturday. It was a really nice time. Didn't really resolve anything, but that's ok. It wasn't quite the emotional rollercoaster ride I was expecting. In the end, my fantasy that maybe one day we'll still get back together wasn't crushed like I thought it'd been. Probably won't happen anytime soon. And who knows, maybe I'll meet someone and that fantasy will get swept under the carpet. I guess we'll just have to see...

In Other New York News:
I hung out with my awesome friend Suman on Saturday. It had been ages since I'd seen him, and it was really nice to wander around the city and catch up. We went to a cute little cafe in the village and split a bottle of wine. Some wierd man sent the waitress over and offered to buy us a drink. Suman politely declined. I, of course, was like "free booze? Sure!" Now, you might be thinking, uh oh. What did you get yourself into. But We actually didn't ever talk to said man, so it turned out fine. It'd be nice though if Suman would actually call me the next time he was in DC (which I always seem to find about about after the fact. Hint. Hint). I'd really like to hang out with him more, not so easy when he lives in NYC.


Anonymous said...

OK, now I won't stop bothering you to mention me in your blog. But you should have called him "Kevin"...

TOS said...

Gurl - glad you had a good weekend in NYC. Walk away though - he ain't worth it. You guys broke up for a reason and if he is that dumb to leave a bright light in the sky as you... Put your right hand up, face your palm outward with all fingers extend, bob your head and do as Whitney does on "Being Bobby Brown" - Just say and half sing in gospel style "No I ain't gonna deal with this today!" then move on.

Chris said...

I know, I should have called you. But I was only there for two days. I will make another trip up there soon. Besides, I'm not sure I have your number.