Wednesday, March 01, 2006

40 Days

I want to preface this post by saying that I'm not catholic, or religious, but that usually I try and give up something for lent because I want to do something good for my body, and this is a good opportunity.

Anyway, so I was trying to figure out what I should give up.

Smoking? A good contender. But I'm not quite ready yet. Yes b*tches I know I said I'd quite after Japan. But you see, the duty free carton was SOOOO cheap, and I can't let those cigarettes go to waste.

Drinking? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. When hell freezes over and satan gives free sleigh rides. I once had a friend give up booze for lent. It was not pretty. She probably should have just stayed home for 40 days. Although I did think about giving up my fifth drink and making it a water. "Oh no girl, I can't have another one. I gave up my fifth drink for lent. But look. You let me know when you're on number six. Ok?"

This left me with one final thing to give up. That's right. McDonalds. Now as some of you may have gathered from previous blog posts, or have seen me at McDonalds, you'll know that Chris+booze+Large Double Quarter Pounder Meal (w/ Diet coke, obvi) = White+Rice. So in the interests of personal health, I will no longer be going to McDonalds after JR's. Or at any time for that matter. And don't worry, I really don't like other fast food places so there is no chance of me switching to BK or Wendy's.

OBVI this will all go out the window if budgetary constraints come into play. Let me tell you, many meals can be had off the dollar menu.

PS. Sorry Dale for ripping off your Getty Images, I just couldn't find a good one anywhere else.
PPS. Hateful comments will be removed. Thanks, -Management
PPPS. Twin Sister, you keep you mouth shut.


DC said...

oh it's fine darlin, I don't hold the copyright on getty, spread the love.

I'm quitting smoking anyways, I think I'll give up all junk food for lent, no pizza, no cookies, no desert.... except for sundays, that's the lords day.

TOS said...

You know your drinking idea ain't bad - in college I gave up "excessive drinking" one year and actually did it. I limited myself to 2 drinks per day on the weekend (I never drank during the week - this said as I scrounge for my evening glass of vino rosso) so if I went out Friday night I could have up to drinks - ah but you said 2, well I could have up to 4 but that would screw the following evening etc...

It wasn't a bad thing to do - and pretty doable.