Friday, March 24, 2006


OBVI I am still a little bit drunk from last night. I think it might have something to do with getting to JR's at 5:30 for $9 all-you-can-drink. Oooops. Anyway, as my memory is a little hazy, I'd like to play my favorite game. Fill-In-The-Blanks. I'll go first:

I remember getting to JR's at 5:30
I vaguely remember the end of all-you-can-drink
I vaguely remember falling off my barstool. Oooops.
I don't really remember the BF yelling at me on the corner of 17th and R.
I vaguely remember not caring

I'm not really sure if the BF yelled at me or not. But I'm just going to make that assumption since it would be par for the course.

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