Thursday, March 02, 2006


Despite what anyone tells you, I was the poster child of sobriety last night.

Twin Sister +1, the BF, Grace and Taylor on the other hand were Loady Mcloadersons. Oh and Scott too.

Preemptive reminder: Hateful comments will be deleted. Scott.


d-town said...

Umm, I think your status was verifified when we were sitting downstairs on barstools and you - eyes closed swaying a little back and forth - turned to me and simply said "madras please."

Of course I got you one! Who am I to judge - I'm drunky mcdrunkerson.

who popped into halo for the tail end of their 2-4-1 special? that'd be me. living next door to halo is going to be the death of me.

Hateful, Party of One said...

I have no idea what you mean. I am a sweet and beautiful person who never has a hateful thing to say.