Monday, February 06, 2006

The Superbowl

The bf, being from Pittsburgh, dragged me to a Superbowl party yesterday. Obviously, I can't tell the difference between a football and a vollyball, but I know it would mean a lot to the bf if I went to the party. The party bore a stricking resemblence to what I imagine the 7th level of hell looks like. It wasn't just any party, it was a lesbian pary. A lesbian. football. party. I don't think there is any group of people I could have less is common with (Caviat: There were a few nice people there, and I got to hang out with Sarah who also hates football). While I obvi didn't watch much of the game, there are a few comments I would like to make.

1. I think it took half the chinchillas in China to make Aretha's coat. And memo to Superbowl producers- Was Aaron Neville the best we could do?

2. The FedEx commercial with the cavemen, kinda violent.

3. The two Ameriquest commercials were HILLARIOUS! Watch them here.

4. Look, I know that football players are supposed to be big. But there were a whole lot of Steeler's players that looked like they took the all-you-can-eat buffet a step too far.

5. And what is up with that man's hair. I know you know who I'm talking about.

6. Drunk lesbians rooting for the losing team. Not pretty.

7. For 2.2 seconds I actually thought that Fabio had launched a fragrance line. Keep in mind I was several drinks under at that point.

That is all. Stand by for a entry about from my trip to Baltimore. It involves, a straight bar, thongs, a bucket of booze, and a fat girl named Peggy Sue.


d-town said...

the ameriquest commercials were my favorite, too. LOVE the airplane one in particular.

yeah, the dude with the hair. what up wit dat? maybe there aren't many closeted gay players after all, 'cause i'm sure one of them would have pulled him down by that hair.

aretha's coat was NOT flattering, and it did not match. and her ta-tas just keep getting bigger. what is she now, like a double G?

Hateful, Party of One said...

Agreed on the commercials. THe important thing however is to be able to tell the difference between the types of players in volleyball in football. Volleyball players are thin, athletic, and agile and football players are fat. You might need this information if you are ever on manhunt, craigslist, or a gay chatroom and someone says that they are a "football player build." Honey, that means run for the hills.

Mansard said...

Aw, c'mon, people are people, no matter what they choose to eat when they are "downtown."