Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I was in Books-a-Million yesterday waiting for the BF to get home from the gym. I was browsing around when I came across the PostSecret book. I'd heard about the project before, where people write their secrets on a postcard and send it in, but I'd never really seen any of it. I read through the first couple of pages and was hooked. I ended up reading the whole thing in half an hour.

It's intense. The secrets range from the mundane to seriously deep with emotions anywhere from humor to guilt, sadness, rage, love, etc. The book reminded me of a conversation I had with an ex (I can't really remember when, but it was a while ago):

He asked me if I had any secrets, and I told him "yes."

I mean, doesn't everybody? But he was really offended. "You should be able to tell me anything," he said.

There was a hint of truth in his statement, I really should have been able to tell him anything. This conversation went back and forth for quite some time, and I almost relented and told him. It wasn't that I was trying to hide something from him, or that it was about him, but rather I just preferred to let the past stay in the past. Besides, my secrets weren't exactly eating me up inside, I just didn't really feel like sharing. With anybody.

After reading this book I feel slightly vindicated, even after all this time. It seems to me that everybody has a secret.


Mansard said...

Doesn't Post Secret just scare you sometimes? Sometimes it scares me, and other times it makes me sad. When it makes me feel the worst, I tell myself the secret I just read is a lie from a person who gets off on playing with other people's emotions. i.e. I saw a postcard in which the sender seemed to align him/herself with serial killers. I told myself it was just a lie.

d-town said...

i can relate ... for example, one secret no ones knows about but one person (who i know isn't talking), but i don't think about it that often and it's not eating me up inside. there may be others, too, but as i don't regularly think about them, they're difficult to recall off of the top of my head.

there's also a postsecret blog ... i think it may be postsecret.blogspot.com.

Carrie Broadshoulders said...

I can't keep my own secrets to save my life. I get a few drinks and start talking about how I slept with some straight guy in my building when his live-in girlfriend was out of town. Not that I'm saying I ever really did that, I'm just using that as an example of what I *might* say if I ever did have that happen. Ehem.