Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The State of the Union

I'd love to blog about the State of the Union, but sadly I was at JR's drinking with Twin Sister and Blondie and watching American Idol. From what I've read though his address was sub-par. My only question is, sub-par for him? Or sub-par for SOTU's in general. Because there truly is a difference. I did read in the WashPost that Bush claimed the U.S. has an addiction to oil. This is, of course, obvious. I guess though I'm a little surprised to hear him say it, seeing as his fortune was made in the oil business. Although, judging from past experience, he probably won't do anything about it. I mean, whatever happened to rebuilding New Orleans? Besides, probably the single biggest thing he could do would be to raise the minimum fuel efficiency standards for new vehicles, something California's been trying to do but has been vigorously blocked by the auto industry and the administration.

Oh. And apparently he took a swipe at the gays. Not surprising really. I mean we are the cause of all of society's ills.

I did, however, catch some of the Democratic rebuttel given by Doctor Spock Governor Tim Kaine. His All I could focus on was his left eyebrow, and how it was so much higher than his right one. Judging by his speech though, the new Democratic message is going to be "There is a better way." I think he probably said it 10 times in the few minutes I watched. Despite that fact that I'm making fun of him, I think he was probably a good choice to deliver the rebuttel. Much better than Hillary (don't get me wrong, I think Hillary is awesome).

1 comment:

Jack said...

The thing you can always count on with W is the empty promises. Amnerica is addicted to oil, really? Is he trying to claim the move away from oil dependency as his idea? The man is an atrocity and an embarrassment to our nation.