So I filled out my taxes and was expecting a decent refund. Not large, but not in the $20 range either. Not that it really matters. You see, last year I filed my DC taxes and found out that I owed them just over $100. Not really sure how that worked out, or why. I mean, isn't it their job to collect enough money from my paycheck? Anyway, the problem is: I may not have ever paid DC the money. Ooooops. Well it seems like they may have taken matters into their own hands. I went to check the status of my refund and it said "Your tax refund was direct deposited on March 10, 2006." No ma'am, it most certainly has not. But then I looked a little closer and it also said this:
Please read the following information related to your tax situation:
* The amount of my federal payment (e.g., income tax refund) has been reduced ("offset"). Why?
* Tax Topic 203, Failure to Pay Child Support, Federal Non-Tax and State Income Tax Obligations
Well now they are some crafty bitches. Oh well, I guess I can't really complain. At least I get to wash my hands of the whole situation.