Thursday, June 09, 2005

Fashion Crime

When I woke up this morning at eight AM I faced a serious dilemma. I have, what I believe is, a really cute outfit and I really wanted to wear it today/tonight at JR's. The only problem is that the belt is white with brown leather near the buckle, meaning I would wear brown shows, but the only bags I have are black. I probably wandered around my room for a good 20 minutes trying to decide whether or not I was going to commit this fashion crime. Ultimately I decided that I was just gonna have to do it, it's only a 20 minute ride and the walk isn't so bad, maybe no one will notice. Ya right. I think everybody who saw me on my walk to work shook their head at me as I past by. Not one of those angry headshakes, one of disappointment. The kind where they bow their head slightly and shake it side to side, as if they just can't comprehend what I could possibly have been thinking.

It turns out I've endured this shame for nothing, as I've decided to head back home first before going out to JR's. I just hope my friends will be kind enough to talk to me after committing such a heinous crime. Friends: Please forgive me!


Nick said...

I hate you

Anonymous said... u worry about anything important?