Friday, August 18, 2006

I have a bridge I would like to sell you

I'm standing in one of my coworkers' office, who also happens to be the tech guy, when our receptionist buzzes him. Here is how the conversation unfolded:

Receptionist: Hi [tech guy], I have a question for you.
Tech Guy: Sure
Receptionist: Is the internet the same in Africa as it is here?
Tech Guy: Ummm, ya. Pretty sure it is........why?
Receptionist: Well, I think this aquaintance of mine in Africa is trying to pull a fast one on me. He is telling me that he can't access his bank records and asking me to do it for him or something like that. I keep trying to tell him that the internet isn't different.
Tech Guy: Ummm, [Receptionist] I think it's probably a scam.
Recptionist: (In a totally serious voice) Really, you think?

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