Friday, August 18, 2006

Friday Five

1. Last night was spent at JR's taking advantage of their fabulous $9-all-you-can-drink special. Met up with the usual crew to enjoy the festivities. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being sober and 10 being passed out on the floor of JR's) I was a 5 or 6 last night. Not sober, but not hammered either. There is something to be said for moderation.

2. I decided to stop giving creditors the button and instead answered their phone calls while at JR's. By answered I mean held the phone up for them to hear the backgroung noise and waited to see how long before they hungup.

3. I am SOOOOOOOOO bored at work today. Someone please come save me.

4. I was planning on going to Remingtons with the BF and the crew tonight, but instead I think I'd like to stay in with a pint of ben & jerry's, a bottle of pino and a good movie.

5. My mom and sister might be coming out to visit soon. That would be exciting. Unless they try and stay for like a week. Then it would be less exciting.

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