Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Weekend Recap: The Abridged Version

Since this past weekend was pretty similar to the weekend before it, and the weekend before that. I figured I'd give you an abridged weekend update (Starting on thursday morning):

Woke up. work. booze. McDonalds. sleep. woke up. wooooooorrrrrrrkkkkkk. lots of booze at house party. cab. another house party though no booze. McDonalds. sleep. woke up. lounged around and watched tv. booze. McDonalds. walk to house party. more booze. sleep. woke up. lounged around. teeeny bit of work. booze. McDonalds. sleep. woke up. work. GYM!

I went to the gym yesterday and challenged the eliptical machine to a duel. I won. I needed to after the multiple McDonalds meals I ate this past weekend. I really wish that place wasn't SO damn convenient.

PS. My insane month of work is over. Expect more regular updates.
PPS. Met this guy at JR's on Sunday while hanging out with the Mean Girls. A great time was had by all.

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