Monday, September 26, 2005

A story that only Kiat and Tos will get

Here's a quick story that will be much funnier to Kiat and Tos than to anyone else.So I've finally made it to the airport on Friday morning, BARELY beating the 30 mins cut off. I'm checking in for my flight, the kiosk wasn't working so had to go to a human (this is key as I wasn't able to see or select seats). Got my boarding pass. I look and it says 17F. I think to myself "HOT, rebooked at the last minute (IAD-DEN), at no charge, and I get a window seat in E+." As I'm running down the jetway nearing the plane door I thought to myself. "Gee, this is a mighty big plane..." Now imagine the look of utter HORROR on my face as I did a quick 777 alphabet count in my head "AB aisle CDE FUCK G aisle HJ" Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I take my seat to find myself squished between mr. tuna casseroll on my left and mr. I ate three tuna casserolls on my right. The only redeeming quality was that I was in the bulkhead row.

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